Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jet lag on a flight to New York

Jet lag on a flight to New York?
I'm flying from Ireland to New York soon and i'm worried about the jet lag when I arrive. The flight will be 6-7 hours. Please help! :D
Air Travel - 5 Answers
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1 :
Jet lag when going East to West is nothing compared to jet lag when you are going from west to east... so don't worry about it. Mainly, the whole flight is done during daylight hours so you body clock doesn't have to reset like it does when you go west to east and the whole flight is at night and your system is still 8 hours later then when you arrive... Like I said... don't worry about it... it's nothing
2 :
It shouldn't be too bad...It is about a 5 hour time difference. If you are really worried about it plan your sleep or not sleeping accordingly. If you are leaving at night. Stay up for the whole flight. If you are leaving during the day take a nap during the flight. But, it is maneageble IMO so that you can auto adjust when you arrive in the US.
3 :
First of all, wake up early in the morning(Ireland), try to take a walk or make some exercise before leaving to the airport. Drink PLENTY of water during your flight.Try to sleep a little. As soon as you get home,eat, change your clothing, go for a regular walk or make some exercise again. (don't call your friends because they will want to visit you) Take a warm shower and go to bed. Try to sleep at least 4 hours, wake up, eat something light watch some tv and go to bed again. Depending of the time it is. It is going to take you one day per hour of difference between the time in Ireland and New York. (If the difference is 4 hours then you will feel at your best in four days). That doesn't mean you are going to feel awful but really relaxed. Good Luck!
4 :
Keep hydrated...drink water..( not soda )...and bring your IPOD so you can keep amused
5 :
its all depends on what time you get in. if you feel tired occupy yourself and try to stay up as late as possible.. that way youll be exhausted when you go to sleep and hopefully sleep through the night

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