Saturday, May 21, 2011

I have a flight from new york to canada scheduled a week after Inguinal hernia surgery. Can I still go

I have a flight from new york to canada scheduled a week after Inguinal hernia surgery. Can I still go?

Other - General Health Care - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no your mesh will get caught in a propeller
2 :
Ask the Doc. I would be afraid of blood clots....but it depends on how long the flight is. Be safe and call the Doc.
3 :
I don't think you will be very comfortable, any abdominal surgery is pretty uncomfortable for longer than most doctors think. Talk to yours, see how he feels, its not a long trip by itself, but the two hours in a seat waiting and getting in and out of airports will take add another three to four hours of sitting up and or walking. If you are young and healthy otherwise it may be easier for you. But ask.
4 :
inguinal hernia surgery is fairly straightforward compared to most abdominal surgery. assuming there are no complications after the op, there's no medical reason for you not to fly. the main issue will be pain and discomfort, some people are up and about the next day after this kind of op, some people have to take it easy a bit longer. also you will have to avoid ANY strenuous exercise or lifting. consult with your doctor. ultimately its a judgement call.
5 :
My boyfriend had it done. It was an outpatient procedure and he was walking around a week after. You should be fine but of course you know the proper answer is consult your MD.

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