Sunday, August 14, 2011

how long is a flight from New York to Pittsburgh

how long is a flight from New York to Pittsburgh?
Air Travel - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
A search on indicates that the airlines who operate this route schedule a time anywhere between 90 minutes and two hours for this route, depending on the type of aircraft being utilized. At 340 miles, the actual time in the air will be as little as an hour or as much as an hour and a half.
2 :
1 and a half hours...
3 :
one hour tops from philly to baltimore it is 15 minutes if that helps
4 :
Jamie, the scheduled time for most flights on this route is for 2 hours. This morning's Delta flight for 8:30 AM left at 8:52 and arrived almost 30 minutes early at 10:08. Weather and air traffic on this route make things difficult to predict accurately. The wind blowing the wrong direction can play havoc with in and out-bound traffic at JFK. Regards, Dan
5 :
The flight would be approx. 1 Hrs 35 Min
6 :
it 1 and a half hours approx

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