Friday, July 1, 2011

What can I do to kill time on a 22 hour flight from New york to India

What can I do to kill time on a 22 hour flight from New york to India?

Air Travel - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Bring a book, Bring your ipod, Bring your cell phone so you can text if there is any service, Buy a mini laptop like the small $299 ones, Knit if you're a girl, Sew if you're a girl, Sleep, Eat. I am always on planes to go somewhere, so these are the things that I mainly do. Hope it helps, and have fun in India!
2 :
Bring comfortable headphones so you can watch the movies. The ones you can get from the airline may or may not be comfortable, why take the change? They should play a number of movies on a 22 hour flight and this will help break the boredom. Sleep. If it were me, I'd pop a sleeping pill and try to be unconscious for as much of the trip as possible. Read, crossword puzzles etc. always standard entertainment on a long flight. Ipod - if music isn't entertaining enough for you, try downloading a few of your favorite books on audio. This can help you kill some time too.
3 :
Take headphones, take a book or ipod/mp3 player. And sleep if you can. About 6 hours that will kill just sleeping! You will be surprised. As for the headphones, so you can watch the movies. They are normally good films on those flights because the airliners actually care about you! lol
4 :
read or sleep
5 :
There is more than likely going to be a screen on the back of the seat infront of you so you have inflight enterainment - films, music, tv programs, games etc Or you can bring a book/magazine, ipod/mp3 player Or you can just relax and sleep for a while.

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