Friday, December 7, 2012

how long is the flight from New York, NY to Cairo, Egypt

how long is the flight from New York, NY to Cairo, Egypt?

Egypt - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
A flight from Ny to Cairo takes around 11 to 12 hours direct. I used Egypt Air a few years ago and that was the time used. It's gonna be a looooooong flight. So be prepared.
2 :
It depends on which airplane will fly with , let´s assume it is good one, if it is , it will take 9 hours direct, if you have lay over in Europe 10 hours flaying + the lay over time .
3 :
Last time I flew here (to Cairo) was on Egypt Air...from JFK airport in NYC and the flight was 11 and a half hours, not including about another hour for people to board and de board and then the amazing bus ride to the Cairo I wouldn't change a thing! PS... get a window seat if you fly into Cairo so you can see the pyramids and city. By the way my experiance with Egypt Air was pretty good...and my ticket was only 567$ US from their website. The prices some times suddenly drop..
4 :
A non stop flight from New york,NY to Cairo takes 11 and a half hours.
5 :
11 hours
6 :
12 hours ... you should be able to check directly off your ticket as well

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