Saturday, July 7, 2012

how can i get a free flight to new york city from sydney

how can i get a free flight to new york city from sydney?

New York City - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
get a credit card that offers frequent flyer miles
2 :
Become an air courier - Google the term. Idea is that, say, a law firm in NYC needs something hand-delivered to a client in Sydney, and it's too important (to firm and client) to go through FedEx even with signature etc. You agree to carry it for them, ensure it gets where it's going - and you get a day or two or three in Sydney. Haven't tried it but have heard of it for years. Check it out.
3 :
Hope and pray that you win a contest or somthing being tickets generally run from NYC to sydney $2000 a clip and I highly doubt people will be giving tickets that expensive for free.
4 :
Strap yourself to a very large bird? Sorry. I couldn't resist. I suppose you could find someone generous with lots of frequent flier miles or win a contest.
5 :
you can use the baggage compartment it is not like first class but it is quit enjoyable you get to feel everything first
6 :
You wont fly free unless you travel as an air messanger, but if you decide to buy a ticket check out
7 :
it depends are u a cat or an ant? ants have free flights always

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